Kingdom Roof and Fence is a roofing and fencing contractor in the Houston area located in Richmond, TX. It's been an amazing experience helping our clients get the best available fence fit into their budget. Our continued goal is to keep providing the best fence solutions for our clients and their friends and family. Here's a few things that you should consider before making a decision on replacing your fence.
Fence Posts
Choosing what type of fence posts is very important because without a post, your fence will be laying on the ground. The two typical fence post selections on wood fencing are wood posts and metal posts. Builder grade fences are installed with wood posts which require the concrete to come up to your ground level. Often times these wood 4x4 fence posts have two distinct flaws. The first is that the water from a rain saturates the bottom of the posts and begins the rotting process. This is the number one cause of a wooden fence post breaking at the bottom. Secondly, the wooden fence post do not make a very good support for a gate which is a pain and an embarrassment to open for you or your guests after less than a year.
We would like to recommend that your fence is built with metal fence posts. These posts will have the most important structure of your fence secure for life! This includes windstorms, flooding, freezing, animal abuse and children's horseplay. With your metal post installation, you can rest easy that your next home project will not be a fence repair. We also would like to point out the benefits of using metal fence posts for your gate construction. Metal brackets that hold up your gate are much stronger and can easily be adjusted to the post compared to a traditional wood post.
Next we would like to highlight a quality issue that our potential clients are often unaware of, the removal of existing posts and the installation of the new ones. Most contractors make the predictable corner cutting or sawing off the existing posts and then setting the new posts a few inches to a foot away. This process will leave uneven sections and wasted materials in addition to unsupported corners. Another area of interest is the application of the concrete. You'll see many fly by night contractors pour concrete mix inside of a hole and then pour water into the same hole for mixing. This will NEVER set correctly and no matter how much you attempt to mix it up with a stick.
Kingdom Roof and Fence removes all of the concrete from each existing post, set's the 6' fence posts at exactly 8' apart and the 8' fence posts at exactly 6' apart. The difference is very noticeable once you can see the final product and it's too expensive to do it again. We also mix our concrete in a bucket or wheel barrel correctly before pouring it into the holes to set the posts. These are two steps of the fence building process that will separate your fence from the competition and leave you feeling proud at the conclusion of the project.
Fence Options
Here's the cosmetic appearances that serve multiple purposes to your new fence. We're going to highlight both the options and their structural significance to your new fence. Below you'll see a detailed description of pickets, kick board, trim pieces and gates.
Kick Board - This option is (also referred to as the rot board) a pressure treated pine 2x6 that is installed at the bottom of your fence. This option elevates your pickets 3'' off of the ground and prevents "wicking." Like a candle wick, your fence pickets start grabbing water from the bottom and then the rotting process begins. Take a look at any old fence picket and this evidence will become apparent. Another great feature of installing the kick board, it will prevent your pickets from being damaged by weed eaters. Consider this option which will protect your fence long term more than any other addition.
Trim Pieces - Most fences have a 1x4 trim piece at the top that covers up your pickets and makes your fence look beautiful. This top trim board is essential for a straight fence and protects the top of your pickets from splitting and warping. A 1x2 trim piece in addition to the 1x4 at the top of your fence is known as "double trim." This looks great and is typically used with a "top cap" which is a 2x6 or 2x8 cedar board. These modifications can be made later after the fence is built or will be added at the time of your new fence installation.
Gates - This is the gateway into your property and the focal point of most fences. When it comes to gates, they really separate the men from the boys besides the division of your front and back yard. Our pride and joy are 6' gates cut out of 8' fences. Gates should be constructed with a 3 hinge system and on a supporting post or posts that are less than two feet apart. Kingdom Roof and Fence build every fence and guarantee them for 3 years. This means that they will open and close like the day they were made years later.
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